JiL JiL is a 1997 free arcade-style game by Studio Pixel, best known for creating Cave Story. As an exercise, I attempted to recreate this game from scratch in Javascript so it can be played online, with support for touchscreens. Keep in mind that the physics was eyeballed and is thus somewhat inaccurate to the original.

Play here! (The source code is also available if you're interested.)

"Saying 'I Love You'" is a recently unearthed visual novel made in 1999 as a collaboration between BA2 (who also made Shine Shine Galaxy) and Studio Pixel. It is the only known game other than Ikachan and Azarashi to use Pixel's PiyoPiyo music engine. The soundtrack can be found in PiyoPiyo's sample tracks, and in fact was the first clue to the game's existence via this post on Pixel's old site. It's quite short, at about half an hour of 'gameplay'. There are three character routes, each with a good and bad ending. It's also really funny!

Download here!
You may want to use a tool like DxWND to run it in windowed mode, but this may cause other problems.

I had the honour of helping find and translate the game, and doing the translation was a lot gnarlier than I expected. Apart from the actual translation of the dialogue, it seems the game script only rendered Japanese text, and interpreted ASCII characters as commands. I had to learn Assembly language (using this lovely guide) to hack the game to get around this and adjust the script parsing code. My notes on the game's code and my modifications are included in the download. The whole business was ultimately fun but pretty hard since I'm not really a programmer. I have a newfound respect for people who do this sort of thing on a regular basis!

I have now also ported the game to the Ren'Py engine, which should be easier to play (at the cost of some cosmetic inaccuracies). Windows/Linux, Mac, and Browser (try it out!).

Akantares is a game by Studio Pixel where you take aim and try to shoot down your opponent. The notable feature about the gameplay is that objects on screen will affect your shot gravitationally. Pixel originally had a server where people could play each other online, but unfortunately it did not last long.
I have attempted to recreate the game from scratch in Javascript, server and all.

You can play it here! The source code can be found on my GitHub, in case you would like to host your own server or make improvements/additions to the game.

A slightly older version of the game without the online server mode is available here, just in case.